How to Avoid Sore Throats When Vaping

Jan 11, 2023

How to Avoid Sore Throats While Vaping with Exxus Mini Plus in hand

Sometimes after a while of continuous vaping, you might catch yourself with a tad of itchiness in your throat. Most of the time, it is nothing to worry about; however, if your sore throat becomes a nuisance, you should make some slight changes to your sessions. Sore throats when vaping are inevitable, but there are simple ways to avoid it. Here’s how:

Hydrate Yourself

First things first! Make sure you stay hydrated when you’re vaping. It’s common knowledge that you must stay hydrated at all times, but dehydration while vaping can cause dry mouth, chapped lips, and irritation in your throat. A slight change can make a big difference, so make sure to drink more water during your sessions. We also advise you to drink hot tea in certain situations as this eases and soothes an itchy throat.

Woman holding Exxus Snap VV inside an arcade

Try to Change Your Coils

A common cause of sore throats while vaping is its coils. When a vaporizer has been overused, its coils will get torn and burnt, leading to rough inhales. Most vaporizing devices need constant maintenance as their cotton will degrade over time and cause the materials to leak. For future purposes, consider ceramic coils for a longer duration of usage.

Exxus VRS in hand in front of series of bushes

Your Vape’s Temperature Level is Too High

When your vape is at the highest temperature setting, you will feel a larger inhale. High temperatures mean thicker clouds, and if you inhale a wide amount of vapor, you will experience a harsher puff. Although it does sound fun to puff out the biggest clouds, this could lead to burning coils quicker. A burnt coil gives poor flavor quality and could give you a sense of itch in your throat.

Avoid Dry Hits

Make sure you don’t get dry hits from your sessions! Dry hits are when you take a puff from your vape, and your inhalation feels hot. A dry hit from your vape can often build up to give you a burning throat. To prevent this, always ensure your coils are still as good as new. Another option for avoiding this situation is to update your device or switch around. Don’t be scared to try out different devices, it is always good to familiarize what you want from each session.


Coughing and itchy throats can be very annoying, mostly when you just want to have a chill session. An overall tip is to ensure you always keep up with your vape, as its coils are an essential part of its build. In addition, never forget to take care of yourself—make sure you drink water to soothe your throat after a long sesh! Check out some of our high-quality vaporizers at